Looking for another chiropractor/health care practitioner to share a small office with on alternating days.
Office is nearly 200 square feet.
Fully furnished with desk, office chairs, chaise lounge, Hill drop table, Cox 7 Flexion Distraction Table, hydrocollator and heat packs, stereo system, pillows and many other office accessories.
Right now I hold office hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Mondays, Thursdays and weekends are currently available, but I am flexible with my days depending on preference of other doctor.
Please CALL if you’re interested in meeting, checking out the space and discussing further.
Jarett Cicirello
*massage therapist, LMT, chiropractic, naturopath, osteopath, osteopathic, part-time, acupuncturist, acupuncture